Youth ministry programs
Horatius Emmanuel Nallo of Liberia, Africa writes

I was born in April 1984 in Moyamba, Sierra Leone. While I was a child, my family moved to Liberia and it is in Liberia that I now live.

I graduated high school in 2003 and presently I am teaching English in lower high school here in Liberia. I have hopes of going to college, perhaps in Spain, Egypt or even the USA. I want to go to college to realize my dream which is:

• To be a minister in God's kingdom.
• To be a professional writer in Biblical and general happenings.
• To reach out to the less privileged; perhaps establish orphanages, build clinics or open a school.

I am a leader in our local youth group and I will be making a nomination for the Christian Teen Hall of Honor of a very worthy girl in our group. Life means to me the following: friends and family, who you can trust and who trusts you. Most importantly, life means for me SERVING GOD - by doing so I will be fulfilling His purpose for my life.

I am quite comfortable with my living situation, meaning that my aspiration of studying about God and becoming a professional will be seen about while I remain in prayer and waiting for God's perfect timing.

Below is one of my favorite poems: The Road Beyond Tomorrow, written by myself on September 23, 2007...

There is a road beyond tomorrow where the skies are blue again
There is a hope to follow sorrow just as sunshine follows rain

You and I may try hard to fathom what and how exactly tomorrow looks
We tried, but we can't even locate the source to tomorrow, the part feet lead there

With an idea we possess and a belief we keep; a faith we acquired
Which help us hope for tomorrow with confidence, we are optimistic.

And the hills ahead look very hard and often we behold them with a sigh
But as we near them, the road gets leveled... the hills look harder than they are

And so with troubles, though they seem so great that men complain and fear and hesitate
Less difficult is the journey than we dreamed; it is never as hard as first we dreamed

There never comes a hill, a task, a day But as we near them, easier proves the way

The hills of tomorrow are waiting for us, a little bit further to go
And now as we stand on the peaks of today, a hint of their beauty we know.

We catch but a glimpse of the splendors to be, the birth of another new day
And the joy we shall claim and the goals we shall know, if only we shall keep on our way.

As the sun always follows the rain and although the rain is falling
And the skies are grey not blue

On the road beyond tomorrow God is waiting there for you.

Editor's note: Horatio - that was a very nice poem of faith and hope. We look forward to receiving your nominee for the Christian Teen Hall of Honor and hope your youth group will consider entering our International Bible Treasure Hunt.

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