Youth ministry programs
Arindam of Deer Park, NY responds

Dear Noreen,

I hope these few words find you well and enjoying the hot weather. I am a new member of the youth group and find it really fun. I will take some time describing what we do here in our youth group. There are two activities that I really enjoyed: the 30-hour famine and Hope for the Future. These were both learning experiences that were also fun.

First, I will tell you about the 30-hour famine. This is a program where we experience hunger firsthand. This was a fun experience since we fasted together and helped each other along the way while trying to help those in need. At the end we got what was considered a meal for Indonesian people who had suffered from a terrible earthquake, a small plate of rice. It made me think about what some people have to go through and be very grateful for what I do have. Next, I want to tell you about Hope for the Future.

Hope for the Future made me feel good about myself. The youth group and I went to New York City and set up tables. We then put different sorts of food on the tables and then allowed homeless and poor people to walk in a line and take what they needed. I saw what some of the people wore in such cold weather, it was shocking. Seeing what happens to some people makes me believe that everyone should help the people that are in poverty.

As you can see, the youth group through these programs helps me see and experience the hardships faced in parts of the world and how each of us can lend a hand and make a difference.

Arindam Jurakhan, Deer Park, NY, USA

Click to view Noreen's letter, or Pauls responce to Adrindam's.

If you would like to respond to Noreen,Paul or Arindam, please write to The young people will be notified. Please note that Paul is in the white shirt in the picture on the right.We all look forward to hearing from you.

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