Youth ministry programs with Christian youth games and lessons on this Christian teen website; free Bible studies for youth included.

See Below: Chest of Visions:"a significant step forward in Youth Group Study Guides"

New Letters: January 14, 2014 to December 14th

Beginning with an e-mailed letter one year ago, twenty two letters were received from young people in the far off land of Caperston. Twenty one were from a young man named Mattpaul and the last, received on December 10th, from his best friend, Huchfee.

Much has been happening in Caperston involving the teachings of a "prophet" named Chi-hay-su and the imprisonment of the writer of the first 21 letters, Mattpaul. The book, The Chest of Visions, records each of these letters, telling the story of Caperston, while reflecting on the way of life of its inhabitants.

December 14th

The story continues. We list the most recently received letters from December then summaries of the letters received between January and November 2014.

Jonas returned from seeing Sav-ed in Romas and once more Sav-ed is delayed. Apparently there is a rebellion in Romas and even Princess Cle-as is at risk. Do you remember the scientist who developed the light machine in the "Chest of Visions" chapter eight? Somehow he came to Romas and has developed an attachment to the compols people in Romas use. Their compols are similar to the ones we use but are able to have attachments which provide all types of operations. The scientist has now created an attachment which has the appearance of a Goddess the people in Romas worship. Her name is Vendite and she is the goddess of love. There are a few other Gods in Romas but Vendite is the one most often worshipped - perhaps for what she stands for.

There is a large statue of Vendite in the middle of Romas and the scientist is selling a compol attachment that resembles Vendite. It is promised that, if people pray to Vendite through the attachment and tell her whom they have feelings of love for, Vendite will bring this about. For those that do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend this is a wonderful thing. People are paying a great deal of money for these attachments.

Sav-ed learned that the attachment has something called a transmitter in it that sends people's messages to a computer. So if a boy says he likes a certain girl the message is saved by the computer. If the girl says she likes the boy, then there is a match. The compol then declares that the goddess Vendite has chosen each for each other and they are both advised to meet at the statue. Many couples have met there and the whole city praises the Goddess of Love for brings couples together.

Sav-ed spoke out against the Vendite image and revealed it as being false. However, those who have made a lot of money making these, are fighting back. Sav-ed teaches there is the unseen God to pray to and the scientist argues that only Vendite has brought lovers together. When the scientist and his friends learned that Sav-ed had spoken with Cle-as on several occasions, they demanded that the princess and King Fester step down from the throne.

People in Romas do not know what to believe and Sav-ed told Jonas to return to Caperston to let us know that he does not know when he can return. Chihaysu remains in prison and the rumor is that, in the New Year, he will be put on trial for speaking out against the ruler Pontos. Zester is planning on making him an example of what can happen when people challenge the Ruler. The lake people of Caperston do not know who to believe while the mountain people, particularly the youth, fully support Chihaysu and oppose Zester.

Chihaysu was advised of the death of Ammed and states that he was a good man and strong. It takes courage to admit when someone does something wrong and to ask God for forgiveness. He asks the prison guard Lucas to take over Ammed�s role as treasurer. Just before he died Ammed repaid all of his debt so now there are adequate funds for us when needed.

Have you had the special holidays you spoke of in your last letter? We are very interested as we have very few holidays in Caperston.


December 20th

Hi Huchfee - the adventure in your world never seems to stop. We pray that Sav-ed efforts will slow the rebellion going on in Romas and we have faith that, even if there is a trial, Chihaysu will be vindicated.

In regards to our holidays - the first one was about three weeks ago. It is a time of Thanksgiving for all that God has given us recognizing how fortunate we are. We get together in our churches to worship and then with our families. Usually the family gathering is a large meal and, yes, I admit I eat too much.

The next holiday is equally special. It is called Christmas. It celebrates the day our Jesus was born. He was born to poor people in an animal stable yet grew up to be the most admired man in the history of the world. Our Christmas is special for young children. As we remember God's gift of Jesus to our world, in such a way we give gifts to one another. There is a make believe old man who children are taught brings toys to each of their homes the night before Christmas. The toys are put under a decorated tree and when they wake up the next morning ... surprise and joy. We older youth also share gifts but the surprise is not the same. Christmas is now fivedays away.

What I like the most is the service at our church the night before. It is candlelit, very pretty and we tell the story of the coming of Jesus to our world a very long time ago ... by my calculations, as you keep time in Caperston, 80 generations ago.

Did Sav-ed return to Caperston? Is Chihaysu still in prison? We will remember you during our Christmas Eve service when we think of not only the joy of our savior, Jesus, being born but of the needs of those in our world who are less fortunate than we. I especialy think of Julia and her search for a safe home to bring Matthew Paul back to.


The story continues click January Letters

Past Letters Summary

January Letters

On January 14th Huchfee reported that the situation in Caperston is of developing chaos. Three days ago Mattpaul's father called him in and stated that he did not know whom he can trust. On the same day Huchfee reports that Pontos plans to give Zester a new position - to supervise the palace guard and the police force of Caperston. Zester will now report directly to Pontos himself. Later in the month Jonas reported that Chihaysu had just left for the desert. It is an area that no one from Caperston has gone. He took water, a sleeping blanket and some books.

Lastly, Laura from New York, in the letter published on January 30th, asks Huchfee for the name of Mattpaul's father. He is such an important man in Caperston yet all the letters simply refer to him as "my friend's father".

Click January Letters for the entirety of the correspondence received and published in January 2014.

February Letters

In February, letters were received describing the meeting of Princess Cle-as of Romas with Chihaysu. She makes him a threefold proposition - see letter of February 10th. In addition, in the letter of Feb.26th it is revealed that Mattpaul's father is named Pav-ed and he has requested that the Ruler of Caperston, Pontos, appoint Huchfee to be the official "Youth Representative" in place of Zester, who was promoted to the position of overseer of the police.

Click February Letters for the entirety of the correspondence received and published in February 2014.

March Letters

In March, letters were received describing concerns. "Marcus visited the Mountain Village where he was raised and reports that the youth are becoming increasingly agitated." In addition,Chihaysu appointed a new follower, Annad, to watch over the funds that he and his followers have received as donations. Lastly, Michaeling led Caperston youth in a candle ceremony stating "When you pray, light your candle then speak with God. Let us see how bright the prayers to God will make this room."

Click March Letters for the entirety of the correspondence received and published in March 2014.

April Letters

Turmoil has come to a head in Caperston. Huchfee reports in his letter of April 7th that the Mountain youth were confronted by a group of the palace enforcers led by Zester. More specifically ... "Suddenly and without warning Zester called out, "Charge", leading the attack. The Mountain Youth had no weapons and began to run but the soldiers did not stop. The soldiers caught those who were not fast runners and began spearing them. We were told that ten youth were wounded and fifteen were killed. Seven of those killed were girls and Zester was seen stabbing two of the girls."

We are awaiting further news of the unrest in Caperston.

Click April Letters for the entirety of the correspondence received and published in April 2014.

May letters

The month of May brought great drama to Caperston ... "Another leader among the Mountain Youth called out, 'Then we will banish this traitor from our Mountain home. Go, traitor,' and he gave him a shove. 'Go live with your wretched Valley People'. He gave him a second shove and Dustin fell."

Shortly afterwards Dawnling cried out, "How could you do this to my and your dear friend Dustin. Don't you remember how you were all fed because he shared his lunch with you at the meeting with Chihaysu?"

In response the other youth became remorseful. They cried out, "We did not know what we were doing and now more blood of Mountain Youth has been shed." Jonas and Pav-ed were amazed at the influence Dawnling had over the Mountain Youth as their anger turned to repentance.

Later a valley youth spoke out, "Pav-ed, it is wise to listen to what Chihaysu is saying. If this God is within him and his followers, then we should respect this. If this God is simply something of their imagination, then the things being taught will soon become past memories."

Click May Letters for the entirety of the correspondence received and published in May 2014.

June letters

During the month of June only two letters were received but the second letter was a shocker. Huchfee reported that Zester called out " You weak, old man, what good are you?" I had, by now just arrived on the deck in the back of the boat. Zester pointed his finger at Pav-ed chest and repeated, "You weak old man" then, suddenly pushed him backwards over the side of the boat. He was unaware that I witnessed what he had done. Read below for more information on the impact of this crime... the murder of the second most powerful person in Caperston by a classmate of Huchfee!

Click June Letters for the entirety of the correspondence received and published in June 2014.

July Letters

We learned Pav-ed did not die as follows ... "Suddenly he had a vision... of Mattpaul, who stated, "I am well father, in heaven. Will you now believe? Believe father. God has called you to be the new surprise follower of Chihaysu. Believe and you will be saved." Pav-ed called out, "My son ... I believe" .

Click July Letters for the entirety of the correspondence received and published in July 2014.

August Letters

Much has happened in August. Most prominent were two things: the visit to Romas by Sav-ed and Jonas at the request of Princess Cle-as. Secondly there was the decree by the Ruler Pontos that he approved the request of Zester to take Rachaeling as his wife. The marriage must occur within 50 days of Pontos' decree and the thought is distressful to Rachaeling, who loves Huchfee and is not favorable of Zester at all.

The Good News of the month was the results of the Mattpaul Memorial Kickuml Game.

Click August Letters for the entirety of the correspondence received and published in August 2014.

September Letters

Huchfee reported that Pontos sent Zester to arrest Chihaysu for speaking out against him. We are told that he also arrested the man Timus for being the first in the crowd to clap for Chihaysu's speech. Pontos declared, "I am the ruler and there is no God to set rules that challenge my rules". With Chihaysu arrested, we need Sav-ed more than ever. There are now 35 days to the marriage of Zester and Rachaeling." On Earth Laura reported that Julia and Matthew Paul are still separated as Julia continues to be homeless. The judge continued Matthew Paul in foster care for six months!

Click September Letters for the entirety of the correspondence received and published in September 2014.

October Letters

Sav-ed remains in Romas for a longer period of time then expected. Several of Chihaysu's followers watch over Rachaelling in North Woods. On one occasion Marcus and Rachaelling befriend the seven to eight foot tall Hugapods. Their leader, Erbert is even taller. During the same period of time Chihaysu and Timus remain in jail. An earthquake shakes the jail and the doors break open but they remain singing the hymn "Praise Him" taught to them by earthly friends.

Click October Letters for the entirety of the correspondence received and published in September 2014.

November Letters

Early in November we read ... "Marcus stated that after the dancing event a week ago he spoke with one of the Hugapod leaders, whose name is Erbert. Erbert is also the best player at the basket shooting game. He is eight feet four inches tall and a good jumper. In the game Erbert made 22 out of 23 drop shot attempts and led his team to victory 59 to 54.. Then on November 25th we learned ... Dear friends, We are all sad.We visited Ammed last night. He was very ill but very gracious. He said, "I am ready to go". He then closed his eyes and a wisp of a cloud like substance arose from his body.

Click November Letters for the entirety of the correspondence received and published in November 2014.

Join the Correspondence!

If you would like to write to Huchfee of Caperston and/or to Alex of New York, it is simple. Write your thoughts in an e-mail to and your thoughts will be published in this story and probably responded to by Huchfee and/or by Alex.

New Book Review from Goodreads

Jun 16, 2013 ... Lee Ashford for Readers' Favorite rated it 5 of 5 stars

"The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston" by Tim Ferguson is a well-reasoned, well-written, and intelligently conceived allegory for use as a Christian Youth Group Study Guide. It is bound to be considered quite "awesome" by the Youth Groups which use it, just as it is bound to be considered controversial or even blasphemous by older generations, which often comprise church leadership.

However, if it is recognized for what it is - an allegory - it should be seen as no more controversial than "Pilgrims Progress", which no doubt faced a lot of opposition when it was first released. It should also be conceded that ANYTHING which helps youth understand the Gospel better is a good tool to be used for that purpose.

"The Chest of Visions" is crafted as a totally new concept for involving today's youth in Bible study. Borrowing from the contemporary popularity of Science Fiction and Fantasy fiction novels, comics and movies, the author has devised a correspondence across parallel universes between several teen-aged individuals on two different planets in two different universes.

The correspondences are prompted by the appearance on the planet Caperston of what amounts to a missionary, spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. At first glance, one might assume the missionary is intended to imply an appearance of Jesus on another planet, by which He intends to extend salvation to the residents thereof. That is NOT the case, however. The missionary, Chi-hay-su, repeats a number of Jesus' sermons, and selects a number of "followers" who seem as if they are meant to fill the role of the Apostles, but in reality Chi-hay-su has HEARD the Gospel himself, believed it, and is doing what he believes is the most efficient approach to reach his entire planet FOR GOD. If read in its entirety, and considered prayerfully, "Chest of Visions" should be acknowledged as a significant step forward in Youth Group Study Guides. It has my stamp of approval, for whatever that's worth.

For more information on "The Chest of Visions",

please click: Letters from the Past