Jose Carlos, Mexico City youth leader states... I can surely presence God's work in the author, Tim, through all these years in youth ministry and it's definitely a one in a million book. For more details on Jose's comments click
My name is Shelby and I am from Ohio. I did the banana lesson Icebreaker
from your website. I just wanted to thank you for the awesome idea. I did
it for a confirmation retreat that I was in charge of and the kids really
enjoyed it. I didn't think it was going to be so fun and lesson-learning,
but it sent a really powerful message. Again thanks for the awesome game
ideas. -Shelby Christian Teens Activities and Youth Ministry Program ideas are included on Youth Activities
A resource for parents as well.
A review of "Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meetings"
I purchased this book for one reason, to try and come up with activities for my children to teach them about faith in God. I realize it is geared toward youth group meetings, but I strongly believe that faith starts in the home. I have 2 boys, and a baby girl on the way. My son is in a Catholic grammar school and often comes home with questions about God. Coming up with Christian family activities and fun things to do with him, all while geared around christian faith, is not easy to do. I find myself opening this book once a week to come up with a new activity for my family. I strongly recommend purchasing this book.
By Gerard J. Nealon, Jr. (West Henrietta, NY), December 21, 2010
For more information about the book Gerard describes, please click:
Youth are always ready to run the race,
... we youth leaders need to set the pace. Our youth ministry programs must find ways for our Christian youth to channel their energy, focus on the call of Christ and to make a difference in the world. This Christian teen website:
- Gets us talking with each other- sharing youth ministry program ideas and Christian teens activities. Running a youth group can be fun and rewarding!!
- Introduces a new book, filled with Christian youth activities and youth group games. Charles White of Cybernetic Light writes:
"Too often the Church has relied on out-dated, tired, youth models to educate and inspire this generation.
With his book, Not the Same Old Done-It-Before Youth Meeting, author Tim Ferguson breathes new life into this critical ministry "
Read the book revew: Click: Breathing Life into Youth Ministry
US/Canada Christian Youth Website
Start the New Year with New Resources for Youth Workers:
The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston
Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meetings
See below for details...
"Engaging, exciting, entertaining, and easy-to-read! Ferguson's super-cool little book, "The Chest of Visions," brilliantly captures the essence of the Gospel message. Read Melissa's entire review by clicking: Click: The Chest of Visions What visions are in the chest?
"The Chest of Visions, Secrets of Caperston is a must read for everyone... I began reading it with my ten year old grandson one day. When I came back one week later he had finished the book on his own and said he cannot wait to read the sequel.This is one of a few books that I will enjoy rereading
numerous times." Marie Haugh, October 14, 2012
Read the story, an adventure in a faraway land, a "story of faith, hope, courage and intrigue" The Secrets of Caperston revealed. Includes Christian teen activities at the end to help youth discover their God-given visions.
Click: The Chest of Visions |
Youth Group Games
Pizza Fruits
Purchase pizza for your Christian youth. Make a list of the nine Fruits of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. Type them out and cut them into small sheets of paper, one Fruit the Spirit on each. Then place one piece of paper with the listed fruit under each slice. Make a second list of definitions for each of the Fruits of the Spirit. Advise youth that when they get their piece of pizza, they are to look at the list of definitions and pick out the one that matches the Fruit of the Spirit they chose. If they get two pieces of pizza, then they get two Fruits of the Spirit.
After eating there are lots of ways to discuss the topic. We actually did another event "Bombs away" before eating. This is a trust exercise and can be found on this website or in the book, "Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meetings". We discussed how trust in the Lord is a life changing event and that our faith leads to the Spirit filling us with the Fruits of the Spirit.
For more youth ministry program ideas, please click: Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meeting (the book)
A "God-send" for Youth Workers!
Laura Cooley of St. Paul's Church, Patchogue, NY writes...
"Your book is a God-send!! You have laid out in an organized and easy-to-read fashion so many wonderful ideas and activity plans that we will never again feel uncomfortable when getting ready for our next Youth Group meeting. I am new to the role of Christian Youth Group leader and your book gives me confidence that we can indeed succeed with God's help".
Jo writes, regarding Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meetings, "I think this book is really good and helpful. I first read the online version of the book because i did not want to pay for it. But after reading a couple of program ideas and having a very very successful youth program I totally HAD to get this book. It is well worth the money."
click:Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meeting (the book)
Come join us on our trip to the Holy Land, including Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, Jesusalem and Bethlehem. ... Linda and Tim Click to travel to Israel: Holy Land Trip |
Jesus calls Christian teens and their Christian youth workers to "Go into the world to preach the gospel" and gives the promise,"I am always with you to the end of the age". Please share with us where you live so that the global community of Christian teens and their youth leaders can become more evident. Are you active in a Christian youth club (group)? Do you have Christian youth activities or youth entertainment ideas to share. Your ideas for youth ministry programs will be featured on our activities page, if you will share them. Help make our Christian youth website truly international!Just click on the Guestmap Icon and let us know who you are and if you have ideas to share. We will get back to you..