Christian Youth Group Activities: Food Scavenger Hunt
Amelia Harris shares with us the following activity.Food Scavenger Hunt
- Divide youth into two groups. Each group must have an adult driver that lives in his/her neighborhood and that is able to go with the youth on their walk.
- Each group elects a speaker or they may elect to take turns speaking. However, it is important that the speaker be prepared upon knocking at the door.
- Each team will have 45 minutes to collect their food.
- Each group will be given cards to leave with each resident that they meet. This card will explain who we are and what our mission is. The teams are NOT allowed to explain to the residents that this is a scavenger hunt and we are seeking specific items. We will thankfully accept all donations. If the resident wants a receipt, we can list the donation on the card. If this happens, please ask an adult to make note of this for the church office records.
- Points will be based on the types of items received. Points will also be given for the number of pounds.
- The winning team will receive the right to have a member of the loosing team go the kitchen on Sunday morning to get their drink and donuts for Sunday school. The loosing team will NOT pay for the items - they will serve them. And, of course, bragging rights are always a plus.
Canned vegetables 2
Canned fruit 7
Boxed cereals 4
Pastas 3
Macaroni/cheese 6
Rice 5
Peanut butter 10
Powdered/canned milk 10
Canned meats 10
Snack & other items 1
Money ... 1 pt per dollar collected
Pounds ... 1 pt per pound collected
*The size of the item will not affect its individual point item. However, it will increase the number of pounds. With the exception of peanut butter, milk, canned meats and snack items, the points were randomly assigned (drawn from a hat).
Card text:
Food Drive Thank You!
Hi! We are from and we are collecting unopened canned and boxed goods for our food drive. We are very concerned about the hungry in our community. Our church operates a food pantry that the hungry in our community can come to receive food in emergency situations. We also support the food pantry that is operated by the Regional Interfaith Association of Jackson. Today, we are asking for donations to help support these ministries. Please look at this list to see if you have any of the food listed to donate today.
Canned vegetables ... Canned fruit ... Boxed cereals ... Pastas
Macaroni/cheese ... Rice ... Peanut butter ... Powdered/canned milk
Canned meats ... Snack items
We appreciate your gifts and prayers.
Your group name:
Jo writes regarding Not the Same Old, Done-it-before Youth Meetings ...
"I think this book is really good and helpful. I first read the online version of the book because i did not want to pay for it. But after reading a couple of program ideas and having a very very successful youth program I totally HAD to get this book. It is well worth the money."